Radiation Oncology Team


Radiotherapy is a key pillar in cancer treatment, as it is the most personalized treatment because it is designed and carried out according to the needs of each patient.

The booming technological advances have led to a new era where the accuracy of radiotherapy has reached the millimeter level, and thus we have visual contact with the targeted tumor at the time of the treatment, we can see exactly what we are targeting, what we are treating, what we are protecting, while valuable information is available to us in real time regarding the outcome of the disease and no room is left for error, because from the moment we plan the treatment, the human factor does not intervene.

We rely on high definition and resolution imaging tests, we have modern equipment, the required know-how and we design safe treatments with low side effects. This is how we came to apply stereotactic radiosurgery radiotherapy.

The benefits for the oncology patient are many and important.

Firstly, with the stereotactic protocols, the number of radiotherapy sessions has been significantly reduced from 35 in the past, to 1 to 5, and, at the same time, efficiency has increased while there is less inconvenience for the patients, particularly those who live in areas far from radiotherapy centers and distance prevented them in the past from receiving the treatment they deserve.

Secondly, we have succeeded in increasing cancer control safely while reducing side effects. However, we must not forget the importance of early diagnosis for the implementation of stereotactic and radiosurgery schemes.

Radiosurgery is the pinnacle of the stereotactic method. It began being applied with excellent results on the brain but its application was extended to the rest of the human body.

For example, in lung cancer, at an early stage, when the tumor is operable but the patient cannot undergo surgery, because of other health problems or their refusal to undergo surgery, radiotherapy provides the solution by treating the cancer bloodlessly with a minimum of 3-5 sessions.

With radiotherapy we can treat a tumor, keeping intact the affected organ, such as the larynx, for example.

Radiotherapy also treats prostate cancer bloodlessly, with very high success rates, comparable to the ones of surgical procedures, regardless of its stage, or of the age and the anatomical particularities of the patient.

There are no types of cancer that cannot be accessed by radiation. As we radiotherapists say: “Where the scalpel cannot go, the ray goes”.

We control the movement of internal organs and especially breathing.

For example, in left breast cancer, radiotherapy is applied during the deep inhalation phase so that the irradiated breast is at the farthest possible distance from the heart.

Thirdly, radiotherapy can accompany all other treatment options that are available to the oncology patient, while its immunostimulatory action can be excellently combined with immunotherapy.

With radiotherapy we also successfully treat patients with locally advanced disease or metastatic disease.

Radiotherapy eliminates the pain that the oncology patient is so afraid of. By treating the affected point, pain is eliminated at a rate of 90%, regardless whether it comes from the bones, from the brain, or is due to the local spread of the disease.

I am fortunate to operate state-of-the-art equipment, that offers my patients the best results with the lowest possible side effects. Cancer diagnosis begins with radiation and cancer is treated with radiation. The proof of this is the booming increase of patients who have recovered, who even enjoy a good life quality.

Cancer is no longer an incurable disease. The number of patients who have recovered from cancer is increasing exponentially. We are here to provide treatment and care, individually for each patient.